“Stairway to Heaven” by Led Zeppelin
Length: 8:03
Genre: Rock/Hard Rock
Time Signature(s): 4/4
Album: Led Zeppelin IV
Released: 1971
About this song: This song is considered one of the greatest songs of all time by fans of rock and music in general. It is a song that starts off slow (with just one guitar) and then builds into an incredibly epic hard rock song. The main part of the song consists of verses and B sections that gradually build into one of the greatest guitar solos ever and a final verse that is much faster and heavier than the other verses. The “B Sections” could possibly be called “choruses” but feature a surprisingly small amount of repetition despite the only lyrics being “It makes me wonder” and do not mirror each other like “choruses” normally do. Interludes exist between many song parts and prevent the song from being predictable and the outro features vocals after all the instruments have stopped.