Could you be friends with a protagonist in your novel? Why or why not?

Yes I could be friends with the protagonist that survived the plane crash in the book World War Z.

World War Z has many protagonists, all of them are people trying to survive in a world overrun with the living dead. Being friends with the protagonist would help us both survive. Like the other protagonists in the book, the woman’s only objective was survival. She almost died trying to find a way to get out of the zone filled with the living dead. The only reason my protagonist lived was because a voice on her radio continued to tell her to keep going. If a real human was there instead she would have done much better and would have had an easier time surviving.

Another reason that I could be her friend would be because in the story she is a fairly friendly character and would probably be able to accept help from another living human being. In the story she was helping pilot a supply plane over land infested by zombies when something went wrong and the plane partly exploded. Only two people survived the crash and one of them landed near several zombies. Although the protagonist had a gun and shot the zombies, it was too late to save her friend, the zombies had already killed him. This helps prove that I could be friends with her because I believe after she had lost a friend and was stranded in territory filled with zombies, she would welcome any company from another human being.

My answer to the question is yes, I could be friends with her and almost all the other protagonists in the story. Like I said before, her only objective was survival and if I was living in that same world survival would be my objective also. Humans survive better in numbers and when trapped alone in the middle of nowhere one of the best things to have with you would be a friend. Being friends with the protagonist would help us both survive.